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So You Want a Big H-E-B? More Affordable Energy? Better Roads?...Prove It.

In world plagued by indifference and apathy, one of the most glaring examples of this societal malaise is the lack of engagement in local politics. It's time to call this out for what it is; a disservice to ourselves, to our community, and to our future generations. We cannot continue to sit idly by expecting local government to solve all our problems while we remain passive spectators. It's time to end the excuses, get involved, and demand better from ourselves and our fellow citizens.

In Livingston's last city election, a mere 434 valid votes were cast out of 2,549 registered voters. This is simply a sad statement about our own involvement and how little our local government actively encourages and facilitates participation. Local government is supposed to be the backbone of our community. It's where decisions are made that directly impact us, from the quality of our lives to the safety of our streets. Yet, too often, we treat local politics as an afterthought, leaving it to a handful of individuals to carry the burden of governance. This complacency is not only unrealistic, it's dangerous. It allows for decisions to be made without the input of those most affected, leading to policies that serve the interests of a few rather than the many.

While Livingston's current elected officials have not made public engagement a priority, or even easy, it's even more frustrating that involving yourself in local politics has, in fact, never been more attainable. With technology at our fingertips, we have access to a wealth of information and tools that can help us understand and engage with local issues, even if we have to publish that information ourselves because the city does not. Yet, despite these resources, many choose to remain on the sidelines, content to let others do the work for them. This simply has to stop.

It's time to dispel the myth that local politics is boring or irrelevant. The truth is, it's where real change happens. It's one place where we can actually make a difference in our community, where we can shape the future for ourselves and our children. But this requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to step out of our comfort zones.

We cannot afford to be apathetic in the face of such important issues. It's ok to get frustrated or even angry at the state of our community. But not just at leadership. We need a long, hard look in the mirror. We need to channel that frustration into action. Attend town hall meetings, city council meetings, get involved with a campaign aiming to make change, even if it's not mine! Join community groups and advocate for causes you believe in. Demand transparency, accountability, and integrity from your local leadership. And above all, hold yourself accountable for the future of your community.

The time for excuses is over and the time for action is now. If we want to see real change in our community and our leadership, we must be willing to roll up our sleeves and do the hard work our democratic process demands. It's time to get involved and take back control of our community and put it back in the hands in which it belongs, the people's. It's time for Livingstonians to regain a voice that is heard, appreciated, and encouraged. While I would love your support and your vote in November, it is much more important to me that my fellow citizens simply get informed and involved. Not just for yourselves, but for everyone in our community.

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