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Leadership In Absentia

Feelings of anger, fear, confusion, sadness, worry, and any other number of emotions have washed over the citizens of Livingston in the last week. Audrii Cunningham, though not a "citizen" of Livingston in the strict sense of the term simply because she happened to live outside city limits, was Livingston's nonetheless. The community's outpouring of support and grief has been what you would expect from our small town, known for its tight knit sense of community and ability to pull together in times of tragedy or need.

Noticeably absent has been any public display of leadership from Livingston City Hall. Vigils have been held by

local citizens and organizations, memorial ideas are being proposed or implemented, and an amendment to existing sex offender registry laws in Audrii's name are being suggested to state legislators. But nary a word from our mayor or city hall. Livingston's name is being thrown around in the national media, reporters have descended upon our town, the monster charged with Audrii's murder is being held in a facility in our city, and speculation abounds as to whether this tragic murder could have been prevented. No comment from the person or representative body of our city.

Understanding that city hall is in no way involved in the investigative efforts and our leadership has no part to play in the prosecutorial jurisdiction of the county, the general expectation from a community leader is to be there as the figurehead of our small town for their citizens in all times, especially trying, tragic times. A simple, public statement to say, "Look, we're here. We understand the community is hurting, confused, in need of unity and support." Dr. Brent Hawkins, Superintendent of Livingston ISD, has done just this as a leader of students and faculty of our city's schools. Even the Constable for Precinct 1 has provided more of a collective voice for our city than our own elected leadership. Nothing has been posted on the city's website to even acknowledge the impact Audrii's life and passing has had on us all, no information about vigils, memorials or links to donate. No statements in person, on video, in the paper, on any official medium. Nothing. The last post on the city's Facebook page was in 2020, a problem in and of itself.

This city's elected officials cannot lead in absentia, especially not our mayor. The community deserves a leader to lead from the front, to be empathetic and publicly supportive of its citizens and their efforts that benefit the community. While I have met our city officials and think they are all very nice people and probably have great personal sympathy for the situation now enveloping our town and the people Audrii's horrific murder has affected the most, being a nice person does not always equate to being an effective leader, and we demand and deserve better for our community.

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