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A Time for Grieving and Action

In a world where the safety of our children is more important than ever, communities must stand united against the threat of sexual predators. These individuals often prey on the most vulnerable, leaving scars that can last a lifetime, or worse in the case of Audrii Cunningham. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our children are protected and that those who seek to harm them are brought to justice.

I’m still just in a fog over the events in our community over the last week. I can only imagine what those who knew Audrii must be feeling, and for that, my heart breaks for them.

I understand plea deals, especially in cases that ensure prosecution or the identification of co-conspirators. However, one of the glaring failures of our justice system is the practice of allowing sexual offenders, especially of minors, to plead down offenses. This leniency not only diminishes the severity of their crimes but also undermines the trust and safety of our communities. Allowing offenders to escape full accountability sends the wrong message and perpetuates a cycle of abuse.

We must demand more from our justice system. We must advocate for stricter laws and harsher penalties for sexual offenders. We must ensure that our communities are equipped with the tools and resources needed to protect our children, and we must hold those that work in our justice system accountable for lenient sentences which put our communities and our children at greater risk.

Together, we can create a safer world for our children. By standing up against sexual predators and holding

them accountable for their actions, we can safeguard the innocence of our youth and protect the future of our communities.

Reach out to State Representative Trent Ashby and Senator Robert Nichols and tell them to bring our and so many other communities’ plights to the floor of the capitol and demand a change!

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