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Joshua Grant, candidate for Livingston Mayor 2024.


My campaign is dedicated to advancing the City of Livingston through a commitment to transparency, modernization, safety, and infrastructure improvements. These pillars are essential for building a thriving, engaged, and sustainable community. 

Social media is crucial to community engagement.



I am committed to ensuring transparency in city government by providing residents with access to information and decision-making processes. My very first order of business will be to immediately look into utility contracts and billing issues and work to return over collected funds the citizens of Livingston have been paying the City without any recourse. I will work to establish open communication channels by guaranteeing citizens have the ability to contact their local representatives to ask questions and voice concerns, broadcasting city hall meetings on YouTube, Facebook, and other available social media, and creating a broader online presence for citizens to engage and participate in local governance. Additionally, I will work to hold regular town hall meetings and provide monthly updates on town projects and initiatives through an improved city website and all available social media. I am also committed to making sure customers of city services receive transparent statements and billing, ensuring they know exactly what they are being charged and why.



Our city must embrace modern technologies and practices to better serve our residents. I will prioritize the modernization of our town services, including the implementation of digital platforms for town services and the adoption of smart city solutions, as well as the expansion of high-speed internet access. These efforts will improve efficiency, accessibility, and convenience for residents.

Modernizing city services and making local governance more accessible and convenient is necessary in 2024.
I will work with and support the upstanding men and women of our local police and fire departments.



Along with the expansion of population growth northward from the Houston area, and with Livingston lying on the major corridors of East Texas, US 59 and 190 (future Interstate 14), crime and drugs are a concern for the citizens of this city. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our residents is paramount. I will work hand in hand with our outstanding and commendable police and fire departments to make sure they have the resources and support they need to protect our community. I will also prioritize investments in programs that expand safe access and thoroughfares for pedestrians and cyclists.



A strong infrastructure is the foundation of a thriving community, supporting economic growth, enhancing quality of life, and ensuring public safety. Currently, Livingston is a labyrinth of patched, cracked and crumbling streets, and dirt roads with virtually little to no safe access to pedestrian walkways. My platform focuses on prioritizing infrastructure projects that address critical upgrades or installment of roads, sidewalks, as well as water and electricity infrastructure. In addition to these infrastructure improvements, I will also focus on enforcing policies that address litter and pollution so our residents can enjoy the beautiful and charming community they call home. 

Crumbling and patched infrastructure is one if the number one concerns for Livingston residents.
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