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Hi, I'm Joshua

Joshua Grant, candidate for Mayor of Livingston 2024


Many of you may know me, though most of you probably do not. I was born in a small, dusty city near the Texas-New Mexico border. Unlike many growing up today, I was privileged to be brought up in a loving, two-parent household where I was thankfully instilled with a strong sense of responsibility, work ethic, personal accountability, a strong foundation in faith, and strong call of service to others. I have also been fortunate, through my ten-year service in the military, my educational opportunities, and my entrepreneurial spirit, to have traveled to and lived in many wonderful places throughout the world which have also fundamentally shaped my character and beliefs. 


I am a proud and dedicated family man, happily married, and the father of a wonderful and brilliant teenage son. Though I am not from Livingston originally, it is the place I happily call home and where I have chosen to put my roots. I am passionate about music, having studied classical piano and voice in Europe before my military career, and have a strong fascination and knack for languages. I enjoy many other intellectual pursuits such as history, literature, politics, gardening and horticulture, cooking, and writing. As a career, I work as a technical course developer and in-person technical trainer for various utilites, oil and gas facilities, and other industrial settings specializing in electric generation, transmission, distribution, and general electical theory and safety. 


Over the last seven months, you may have seen, heard about, or taken part in an initiative I led to hold our city's officials accountable for the mishandling and overcollection of funds through our electric utility and the Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agency. After meeting with the current Mayor, the City Manager, and City Council about this violation of the public's trust and seeing the complete lack of interest or initiative to address a serious public outcry concerning millions of dollars, I knew this city had a serious leadership problem.


Because of this, I and other concerned citizens drafted a petition and went door to door to make the broader community more aware of the problem and ask the State Utility Commission to help. Not only did the city's leadership not address its citizens' concerns locally, but they have actually fought the citizens tooth and nail at the State Commission. 


A city's leadership that ignores its citizenry, limits access to its elected officials, and conducts business on a "that's the way we've always done it" basis is, in fact, not leadership at all. 


It's time to demand a leader that not only expects, but demands transparency in government. It's time for a leader who isn't elected because of some generational birthright to positions of power because of a name. The time is now for a leader who listens to the citizens of this city, demands open, frequent, and transparent communication with its constituents, and gives equal attention to all matters concerning the well-being of this city and its residents. 


I am not running because I have some sort of aspiration of holding a position of prominence. I am running because citizens who saw how tirelessly and passionately I fought for the community have asked me to do so, and I am lucky enough to be in a position in my life to answer that call. So now it's time to get to work and do some housecleaning at City Hall!



Local Voices, Stronger Choices

"Our mission is to unite our community in a shared vision for a prosperous and sustainable future. By fostering collaboration, transparency, and innovation, we aim to address the challenges facing our town and embrace the opportunities for growth and development while still respecting and honoring our local culture and history.


Together, we will build a stronger, more resilient community where every voice is heard, and every individual is valued. Our mission is to lead with integrity, empathy, and a commitment to service, ensuring that our town remains a place we are proud to call home for generations to come."

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